Digital Badges
Open Badges are visual tokens of achievement, affiliation, authorization, or other trust relationship sharable across the web.
Open Badges represent a more detailed picture than a CV or résumé as they can be presented in ever-changing combinations,
creating a constantly evolving picture of a person’s lifelong learning.
Mozilla's Open Badges
Mozilla created Open Badges in 2011 committed to developing a new way to recognize learning wherever it happened – in and out of formal education and online.
Mozilla's Backpack
The Backpack lets you store the Open Badges you earn, and share them between platforms, anywhere on the web. It gives you complete control over your own achievements.
Badge issuers can certify that their badges are technically compliant with the specification and therefore, can be readily moved among Backpacks and display sites.
Thousands of organizations across the world issue Open Badges, from non-profits to major employers to educational institutions at every level.
Open & Standardized
The system is based on an open standard. Anyone can Issue a badge, receive one, verify that a badge is real, or inspect the metadata and any associated evidence.
Community driven
A community of contributors has driven the Open Badges movement. gaining widespread interest and adoption by policy, technology, and education stakeholders.
Ask for an account
If you are an Organization, or Company, or Local Authority you can issue, award and manage your own Digital Badges!
Drop us a line